At the Nov. 17, 2023 Washington Forest Collaborative Network meeting, Rebecca Ciciretti, Leslie Garcia, and Heather Zissler from the Forest Service Regional Office presented the Forest Service's new guidance document "Vision on Working with Collaboratives.” Signed by Deputy Regional Forester, Robert Sanchez, the letter aimed to clarify a regional approach to effective engagement between place-based forest collaborative groups and National Forests.
The Forest Service acknowledged the importance of long-term relationships.
“Collaborative problem solving typically cultivates a shared vision, strengthens trust, and improves communication around natural resource issues.” And that “…relationship building is fundamental for successful engagement between the Forest Service and collaboratives.”
The letter went on to list guiding principles, both for collaboratives seeking effective engagement with the Forest Service and for Forest Service officials to actively develop a “Collaborative Culture” among personnel.
A Q&A following the presentation identified successes and challenges among many of the Region 6 collaboratives.